"Henderson author brings understanding of U.S. and Japan to his work"
Henderson author's novel explores Japanese culture.
- John Przybys/Las Vegas Review-Journal
Keita Nagano, an author of "The Sea of Japan," speaks during an interview
with the Las Vegas Review-Journal at his Henderson office
on Friday, Sept. 13, 2019.
(Bizuayehu Tesfaye/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @bizutesfaye
"Nagano portrays Japan with delightful prose..."
- Publisher's Weekly
“The Sea of Japan” is not to be missed by any reader with an interest in Japan
-Dean N. Alterman Chair, Japan-America Society of Oregon
After you read Keita Nagano’s novel “The Sea of Japan,” you will feel that you’ve lived in the Japanese fishing town along with the narrator. Told through the eyes of a young American woman who is teaching English in Japan to high school students, Nagano’s story deftly moves among the town’s struggle to keep its fishing industry open, its efforts to appeal to tourists (Japanese pastrami, anyone?), some intense behind-the-scenes political machinations, and the narrator’s own emotions when an old boyfriend comes back into her life. “The Sea of Japan” is not to be missed by any reader with an interest in Japan, or in the fishing industry, or simply in a well-crafted, well-told story.
This book provides an inside look at the competitive fishing industry in Japan and the intricate bonds of the human experience. It is beautifully written and the perfect book for your fall reading list! I actually learned a lot about Japan and the fishing industry as a whole that I didn't know. This book shows how adversity can bring out the best in people, no matter where they are from. Check it out!
This book provides an inside look at the competitive fishing industry in Japan and the intricate bonds of the human experience. It is beautifully written and the perfect book for your fall reading list! I actually learned a lot about Japan and the fishing industry as a whole that I didn't know. This book shows how adversity can bring out the best in people, no matter where they are from. Check it out!
I found this book to be an interesting read. Not only does it give insight into Japanese culture, but it explained how the fishing industry worked there. I even learned a little about sushi making as Lindsay became apprenticed to a master sushi chef in Hime. The author is the ultimate American-experience junky, having visited all 50 states, all 30 major league ballparks, and the top 60 big cities in the U.S. For my next read I want to track down his award-winning missing-child thriller, Kamikakushi.
We bare witness to Lindsey san losing faith in her initial mission for coming to this beautiful country, and almost losing her life in the process. We watch as she finds strength after that brush with death, as well as a new sense of purpose. We see her as she discovers her place within the community despite being an outsider, and finally finding a home away from home within a country, with a people, and eventually against all odds, love. It's quite the journey, and by no means paved with roses (or tulips), but it was her's to make, for better or worse. In the end, I enjoyed my time at sea with Lindsey san and Ichiro, and valued getting to know their souls (fictitious or not) throughout the course of the tides they sailed, and was truly moved by how their story ended.
The Sea of Japan is a must read. Mr. Nagano weaves a lovely, poetic story filled with endearing characters that will stay with you long after you have finished the last page.
This is not a translation. Never happened in the publishing industry that a Japanese author wrote a novel in English from scratch. Nagano wrote this for Americans. Even for those who have never been to Japan will be allured into the breath taking view of the Tateyama mountains and illusional mid-night firefly squid dive in the Sea of Japan, one and only in the world.
“I decided to visit the Sea of Japan”
-Jo Ann Hakola
I read books like these to learn about the country and their customs. I did learn a lot. Mr. Nagano's words draw you in and make you care about his characters. I decided to visit the Sea of Japan. The characters are full bodied and feel real. Lindsey might not get everything she wanted but she does well. I found myself cheering her on.
“Perfect read for everyone interested in Japanese life and culture”
-Marjolein Balm, Marjolein Reads
The Sea of Japan is a beautiful written book that immediately takes you to Japan, so it is a perfect read for everyone interested in Japanese life and culture. It wasn't anything I expected it to be in a positive way. As I didn't read the synopsis beforehand, I didn't expect the main character to be an American woman, I expected a Japanese main character. But anyhow, the characters of Lindsey and Ichiro and how their lives connected in the small close-knit community of the fishing town of Hime was very entertaining to read, although it had some tragic moments for Ichiro. At some points the pace of the story lacks a little speed and get's stuck in a little too many difficult meetings at the fishing board, but besides that it is a very beautiful and entertaining read, very original and different, and I recommend reading it!!
“Betrayals, deceptions, promises broken, lies and the final reveal, but Lindsey won’t give up”
-Fran Lewis, Just Reviews
Lindsey once again uses poor judgement and finds herself trusting all the wrong people. At the close of the novel what will she see from her window: The skyline of Boston or the magical Sea of Japan? Some stories need to be told and the characters in this novel tell is exactly the way you need to hear them. Author Keita Nagano takes us inside the fishing industry and brings us up close with the fisherman, the contractors, the corporations and one tenacious Lindsey.
“This is a book that readers don't want to miss out on. The Sea of Japan is a hidden gem!”
-Cheryl's Book Nook
I read this book in one afternoon. It was that great. Mr. Nagano weaves a lovely poetic story filed with endearing characters. This is a book that readers don't want to miss out on. The Sea of Japan is a hidden gem!
Lindsey and Ichiro were so lovely together. There was more to them than just a "romance". It was like they were soul mates that became one. What I loved the most was Lindsey becoming a fisherwoman. Ichiro was a good teacher. Yet, there are some things that can't be taught like the "heart of the sea". It was during the fishing competition that Lindsey learned this lesson.
Everyone that I met in this book were just as good. They were not just chess pieces in a story or fillers but just as important to the story as Lindsey and Ichiro. This is a recommended read.

“She is caught between behaving like a good Japanese citizen, or using her American values to save her new home.”
-Bethanne Patrick
Nagano’s novel is a brisk, voice-y first-person perspective on the things we share around the globe, with a hefty dash of American brio
A writing style that was perfectly crafted to bring joy and compassion. While getting into the chapters and connecting with the characters I was easily passing the time without wanting to stop reading. I feel like this would be a great book for someone with a big heart or that might need a little positivity in their day. Get ready to cry and laugh because this book is not a one mood kind of read.